Sorry if sometimes I'm disobeying you. Sorry if I'm not a perfect child and sometimes I lied to you. Sorry if I've shouted at you, or sometimes in the back of my head I almost wanted you to be gone when you yell at me and scold at me. Sorry if I'm hardheaded. Sorry if sometimes I'm lazy, that I don't do chores at home. Sorry for everything I did wrong.
But I thank you for making me live in this planet, cause without you I'm not here. Thank you for feeding me, taking care of me, sheltering me and loving me. Thank you for giving me the best things in life even it's hard. Thank you for teaching me the right things and manners. Thank you mom.
Don't worry, I'll take care of you too when you're old :) And the things that you taught me, I'll always keep it in my brain cause I know, you don't want me to at worst. I am guilty for all. You're very important to me like a pearl that I really treasure. I'm not real sure what will happen to me when you're gone.

I love you mom!
Happy mother's day!
PS: I'll make you proud, Soon!